Tuesday, May 31, 2011

America's Got Talent - We've Got to fix our Air Conditioning!!

"When you can't take the heat, turn on the t.v.!"...lulu

As many families do, we've come to realize that it's the small things we do each day that can make the most difference to our household budget.  With that intention, I didn't want to turn on our air conditioning until we absolutely needed to - and that was yesterday.  And to our shock it was not working!!  Oh joy...today, the hottest day in Ontario and we're suffering without air conditioning!  My poor mom, 82, who has been staying with us having recently broken her hip and is recovering following surgery, is really feeling the heat and perhaps is even missing her air-conditioned hospital room.  She keeps popping in and out of her bedroom with her walker, commenting over and over again "it sure is hot" while blowing long sighs in my direction!  I try to reassure her that it will soon be fixed.   Then she cheerfully chats it up with our puppy Penny "it sure is hotty hotty today, isn't it Penny?"  Penny momentarily stops panting to show her turn of the head look of confusion, or let's just say she's showing her agreement that our house is extremely hot.  Hopefully it will indeed be fixed later today and we'll all feel cool again.

Today I would like to recommend a tv show, that is unless you are already a faithful viewer of America's Got Talent and in that case you may not even need a reminder that tonight at 8:00pm EST on NBC is the Season Opener!  At last, a new show to get into now that my other favourites are all closed for the season!

For those of you who have never seen AGT - it's a great family show.  A show for the whole family.  I personally enjoy it much more than American Idol because it does not limit the age of the contestant and can include all types of acts - singing, dancing, comedy, magic or whatever the creative case may be.  It's hosted by comedian Nick Cannon and the three judges, Howie Mandel, Piers Morgan and Sharon Osbourne are terrific.

Here are a couple of highlights from last season.  My personal two favourites, Jackie Evancho and Prince Poppycock finished 2nd and 4th in the competition.  Prince Poppycock never ceased to amaze me right from the audition:

And well 10 year old Jackie Evancho is just a little angel with the voice of an angel:

Hopefully those two clips may give you a reason to try out the show.  And for those who are already fans, I hope watching them brought back some fond memories!  I know they did for me and now I'm really in the mood for tonight!

Cheers and stay cool,

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