Monday, November 21, 2011

Positively Wonderful School Days

"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are endless."...Mother Teresa

This morning, I got a head start on practising one of my Happiness Project's resolutions - practising patience.  My son's special needs bus (which I also ride as a travel assistant) was one hour late arriving.  My abilities in this area were definitely tested, but my patience was later rewarded by the kindness of my son's teaching assistant.  When we finally arrived at school, not only was my son greeted with the warmest, most welcoming smile, but he also said that he had just called our house to offer to come and pick us up with his car, just so he would not miss school!  He deserves a medal for going above and beyond what is normally expected from a teaching assistant.  He is one of those fortunate individuals who finds his job so meaningful and rewarding that he wouldn't want to miss a single day of it.  And we too are very fortunate, as my son is a direct beneficiary of the pride and dedication he applies to his work each day.

There is a definite correlation between happiness and being able to perceive how one makes a living as a vocation or a calling, rather than simply a job or work.  When we believe our work to be meaningful, we will reach a heightened sense of gratification and fulfillment, and will not only perform better and be happier ourselves, but that happiness will spread to others we interact with throughout our day.

Last week was parent-teacher interview day in our community.  A few years ago, a time when I would consider myself much less positive than I am now, I would arrive at the interview with my son's education plan in hand and several questions (perhaps criticisms or nit-picking may be better words to describe) ready to discuss.  In other words, I used to arrive more on the negative side than the positive side.  Since I have lightly created a mindset of being positive, I can now arrive at these meetings with an open heart and mind.  Because of this change, I notice more, I see clearer and this helps me focus on the "big picture".  I am better able to plan ahead and creatively help come up with new ideas about what we might do next.  I believe this change to a more positive attitude has also made me trust the school system better and appreciate and value the hard work of the teachers.  Our meeting went beautifully because of the positive emotions we both were feeling towards my son, the class, the program and each other.

Something very special that my son's teacher shared with me is that his class is hard at work learning a special song for the annual ASD Showcase of Talent.  My son even has a solo part to sing and I'm told he has a beautiful voice!!  Now, hearing a comment like that is music to my ears!  He has also been putting together a special slide show presentation that will be shared during the solo instrumental part of the song.  I cannot wait for the show because it's also one of my all time favourite songs "Lean On Me".  Hearing his teacher talk about how well the rehearsals have been going simply melts my heart!

My video today is of course "Lean On Me", the original version by Bill Withers.  The lyrics are beautiful, it's about true friendship.  Of course I know there will not be a dry eye in the house when their school version is performed next spring.  Enjoy!

Have a positively wonderful week everybody!



Margaret said...

Oh how lovely! This all sounds like a win-win situation all around.


Deb said...

I was just about to say how lucky you are, but I know it's not being about all the things you talk about..being positive, optimistic, grateful, kind etc.etc. and these are the fruits of all that!

Linda said...

Oh Deb - you are so right, there is no luck involved here, I love what you said!

Josie said...

I loved reading this blog, but to be honest it's reminded me about how different it is for my son at school. Any suggestions?

Linda said...

Hi Josie without knowing the specifics it is hard to give advice, but in keeping with the theme of this post - be positive with them, that means tipping the scale of positive over some negative that you may need to discuss. Teachers love to feel appreciated, so you can start with some compliments about neutral things like the classroom - "You work so hard to make the classroom so cheerful looking, I love how it's decorated!" Usually those comments are quite true so the compliment will come out sounding sincere, it's just a matter of remembering to say them. That may help at least get a meeting off to a good start. Think of other things that are going right and mention them (write them down so you don't forget to!). Try to arrive without the worry about things that may not have happened, or jump to the wrong conclusions.

Hope some of these things are helpful to your situation. Keep a hopeful heart.

Terez said...

I want my son to go to your son's school!


Anonymous said...

You can't always smile or happy your way out of every negative thing...some problems are really big and it just doesn't work.

Linda said...

The positive emotions of confidence, hope, love, trust, for example serve us best not when life is easy, but when life is difficult.

But I agree with you, nothing can "always" work.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure having such amazing staff working with your son gives you peace of mind. You deserve it!

Live and enjoy Life said...

This is the first time i'm reading Your blog.
Sounds so nice and positive.

Linda said...

Thank you! That's what I strive for each time I write.


Josie said...

Hi Linda and thank you for your reply. I'm going to try out your suggestions. It can't hurt the situation to show appreciation for what is right and as you say will warm up the meeting.
Thinking about it, I don't think it's wise to have a negative attitude to people who are there to help, sometimes situations are tough, but we shouldn't take it out on people. We will all feel better by being less negative.

Jasmine said...

This was a very nice post. I like hearing about how your son is doing from time to time.

Patricia said...

I haven't been here for awhile, glad you are still writing your blog.
I like your whole approach to living a happier more positive life. It takes time, that's probably why you find it working for you. So many people I come across at work and even my family and friends are looking for short cuts to happiness, like a shopping spree. That provides an immediate buzz, but nothing lasting.
Your approach makes more sense to me.
glad things are going well for your boy at school.

Diane said...

Hi Linda,

I can not express to you how much your words affect me. Many days I find myself needing a positive word and I find myself coming to your blogs to find what I need.


Linda said...

Hi Diane,
That is so nice to hear!
To be honest, I find myself coming to my own blog too for the same reason you do!
