Tuesday, November 08, 2011

The Power of Our Thoughts

"You are today where your thoughts have brought you;  You will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you."...James Allen

I'm a believer in the law of "Sow and Reap", simply put, if you sow the seeds of corn, you'll reap corn, if you sow the seeds of love, you'll reap love back.  It's a huge part of my happiness project as it can be applied to so many aspects of life.

These principles can apply to relationships and they can apply equally to what we reap in the other dimensions of life.  James Allen, in his book, "As a Man Thinketh", put it beautifully when he wrote...

"Every man is where he is by the law of his being; the thoughts which he has built into his character have brought him there, and in the arrangement of his life there is no element of chance, but all result of a law which cannot err.
 Man is buffeted by circumstances so long as he believes himself to be the creature of outside conditions, but when he realizes that he is a creative power, and that he may command the hidden soil and seeds of his being out of which his circumstances grow, he then becomes the rightful master of himself.
That circumstances grow out of thought every man knows who has for any length of time practiced self-control and self-purification, for he will notice that the alteration in his circumstances has been in exact ratio with his altered mental condition." 
That passage is taken from a timeless classic and written by a true genius.  It's so interesting and thought provoking.  Is it possible that we are literally what we think and our character is the sum of all those thoughts?  I believe in the power of thoughts, especially the power of spoken words.  Words are like seeds.  When we speak them out and continue to listen to them and believe in them, then they can become a reality in our life.  Sometimes our thinking is directed by our inner-critic who can say some pretty harsh things.  I encourage in myself and would in others not to say negative things about ourselves (I'm slow, I'll never get that position etc.), because I feel that is just setting limits in our lives.  If we want to know what we're going to be doing five years from now, listen to what we're saying about ourselves.  It's very important to be saying only good things about ourselves every day without fail.  Sometimes we would never even consider criticizing another person, yet we don't have a problem criticizing ourselves.  We deserve better from our thoughts.  Let's practice saying positive things to ourselves each day - in the shower, in the car, wherever we want, just say "I'm talented!", "I'm a creator", "I have a bright future ahead!".  And listen!  It will immediately improve our self image.  I'm a big believer in this.  Learning to change a negative inner diaglogue is a fundamental way to change how we feel.

We can't beat the law of sow and reap.  Our physical health, our mental health, our business success and our personal relationships are each governed by the same equation which requires us to "pay up front".  The fascinating thing about the law is that we never know when we we will be rewarded; when we will receive the fruits or the dividends on our time, effort and especially our thoughts.  But the rewards always come and the uncertainty of their time of arrival only serves to make life more exciting!

Today's video - I have found that James Allen has many inspirational quotes on the power of positive thoughts, and this one is the perfect example of that.  Enjoy!

Hope the video has inspired you to have an awesome day and week.  Remember - "to desire is to obtain, to aspire is to achieve."



Vicki said...

I think our thoughts can be powerful, but somehow the words, criticism of others are what we remember most and repeat back to ourselves. Words can hurt.

Margaret said...

This was just what I needed today!
Thank you, thank you.

Linda said...

Hi Vicki, what you say is so true, but with practice we can all try not to hold on to those words. Practice letting go as in my last blog, and remember that when you repeat negative comments from others, they become YOUR thoughts.

Deb said...

I think I'll write out some positive affirmations to start saying to myself each day. I tend to do stuff like that for only a short period and then stop and then start again. This time I'll really try to keep it going.

Terez said...

I've heard all this before. Actually I haven't heard about James Allen and As a man thinketh, I've written that down.
I think I'm like Deb, it sounds good then I start, stop, start again etc. I have to keep it going.

Anonymous said...

Think is a timely post for me.
Thank You!

Josie said...

"All that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve are a direct result of his own thoughts"

That was the last quote of the video and it was beautiful. Saved the best till last.


Anonymous said...

what comes first the chicken or the egg? Do our thoughts create our circumstances, or do our circumstances create our thoughts? i think this is a very interesting post that i'll need to continue thinking about...
i totally agree with speaking positively to ourselves, it really improves our self esteem..just keep doing it.

Jo said...

I think our thoughts are even more powerful than we could imagine. Where we are today is because our thoughts brought us here. That's power. Jo