Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Who Gets Your Back?

"There can be no vulnerability without risk; there can be no community without vulnerability; there can be no peace and ultimately no life without community."...M. Scott Peck

Of all the characters on Lost, I think Sawyer was the most entertaining to watch overall.  Even in the early seasons, when he often displayed selfish "every man for himself" behaviour, he still showed moments here and there where we discovered a decent, caring human being - it was just buried deep inside all the pain he was carrying around.  Kate saw it first, and then Jack.  Those two helped Sawyer learn about the power of creating community.  A community that looks out and cares for one another.

In season 5, the time travelling season, Sawyer emerged as a leader, one most everyone respected, trusted and loved.  I think this happened because in one fleeting moment, he allowed himself to be vulnerable with Juliet.  In this scene, she's about to leave the island on the submarine and start her life over.  He convinces her to stay a little longer, not by his usual joking, but by admitting that he "needs" her when he says "who's gonna get my back?".  Sawyer was expressing his fear of being alone again.  It's a very touching scene...

As it appeared on television, this scene aired immediately next, with the caption "3 Years Later.."

Ahhhh that scene was so sweet.  I thought the actors and writers did an amazing job selling the audience their love story.  I found it completely believable.  Though we didn't see those three years on the screen, we could see the positives changes in them both, but especially Sawyer.  He earned the respect of everyone and with that he helped build a new community of people who trust and care for one another.

Being vulnerable can be risky, but it can definitely be worth it, when you feel the moment is right.  It's a good feeling to know that someone out there "has your back".  When you allow yourself to become vulnerable from time to time, you may become a person who finds it easy to take chances in life.  And I think that could be a good thing.

Okay, I'll end it at that thought.  Here is one last clip of my favourite Lost couple.  This is their last scene together in the finale, when they are "awakened".  It's so cute..but I'll admit that I cried like a baby when I watched it!  It was that good..

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.



Josie said...

I love it when you insert Lost videos from time to time.
It was a show about community, and I would agree with Sawyer that life would be lonely and tough without it.

Deb said...

Though I consider myself a Jater (Jack + Kate), Sawyer did love Juliet and changed mostly because of the love and new life they created together. I'm glad he was vulnverable.
In real life, I think it's good to have both guarded and vulnerable moments. You've got to trust people in life.

Anonymous said...

I also love it when you put Lost videos on your blog.
I agree that it's really important to have community, whether it be family, friends, co-employees, church, wherever, as long as you have it. Being vulnerable may open up yourself to being hurt, but closing ourself off is not a good thing. You just have to know what feels right for you.


Margaret said...

I know beautiful, but guarded people. I think it's a matter of placing trust in the right people. People who find it easy to allow themselves to become vulnerable most likely are blessed with many loving, trusting relationships. Guarded people most likely have experienced many hurt feelings. JMO.


Vicki said...

Kate and Sawyer were the best. They had way more chemistry between them, than Juliet or Jack. JMHO.

I think we should be careful before we allow ourselves to becoming vulnerable, especially in the workplace.


Anonymous said...

Who cares about Sawyer and Juliet or even Lost anymore. This blog is lame.

Terez said...

I loved Sawyer and Juliet's story. The video selections were beautiful here.
I think in most everything we do in life, there are some risks. Taking chances or taking risks can leave yourself vulnerable to being hurt. I think it's worth it overall, but I'm always a little cautious myself.

Jen said...

Sometimes our current emotional state leaves us vulnerable to cruel individuals to take advantage, to manipulate and control. I think we should keep guarded during those times.
But in the situation here, it's all about taking a chance and leaving yourself open to becoming hurt, by rejection. This was a great post!

LisaB said...

Thank you Linda!!
I enjoyed what I read just now and I'm saving the rest of the joy for lunchtime - watching Sawyer's dimples...


Anonymous said...

I wasn't sold on Sawyer and Juliet...he was still attracted to Kate, when she came back was he not?

LisaB said...

Sawyer loved Juliet. He was going to marry her. I think there was an attraction and a loyal bond between Kate/Sawyer but he demonstrated in the last season that their love was real. He really grieved his loss and did not try to find comfort from Kate.
Even in their "after life" existance, they had some attraction, but he sent her off to jail and was only "awakened" by Juliet.


Deb said...

I agree he loved Juliet more than Kate. But you have to admit, he had a much better nickname for Kate..freckles is far better than blondie!

Anonymous said...

Juliet used to get jealous when Sawyer called Kate "freckles"!