Friday, September 30, 2011

My Happiness Project Update

"There is no duty we so much underrate as the duty of being happy."...Robert Louis Stevenson

So here I am on the last day of September, about to embark on my twelve month happiness journey.  This is not a pursuit, as I'm already pretty happy.  I'm considering this a "happy experiment" to determine if my happiness can become amplified to new levels, where I can appreciate it more, where it may rub off to more people, those I see each day, those I live with, those I care about and love.  I'm looking to improve my overall happiness and contentment. 

Over the past month, I've read five books that have given me new insights into happiness and have inspired me to create this project:  Being Happy by Andrew Matthews, The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle, Positivity by Barbara Fredrickson,  Every Day a Friday by Joel Osteen, Authentic Happiness by Martin E.P. Seligman and of course, The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin.

I also researched articles over the Internet, mostly ones that listed specific characteristics of happy people.  I was happy to read of many that I've tried to encourage more of in myself and from the readers of this blog through my first fifty-plus posts.  Being grateful comes up most often - so remember - gratitude rocks!!

Finally, I thought about what specifically contributes to my well-being, what brings me joy, engagement, and satisfaction.  In addition, I thought about what specifically takes away my joy, what brings about anger, worry, guilt and boredom.  Then I decided on twelve changes (focus on one per month) that I feel will boost my happiness to new levels.  I also came up with twelve commandments, or guiding principles to follow throughout the entire twelve month period.  Hopefully these principles will help me stay on course.

After all that, one point that I've learned about goal setting is that you have a greater chance for success if you put them in writing somewhere - so (yikes!) here they are:

My Twelve Commandments:
1.  Love, Hope and Believe
2.  Let not my heart be troubled
3.  To err is human, to forgive divine
4.  Be present, mindful, open and more positive
5.  Live every day a Friday
6.  Remember to smile, laugh and be polite
7.  Listen to my body
8.  When possible, do it now
9.  Have an attitude of gratitude
10.  A penny saved is a penny earned
11.  Remember the Law of Sow and Reap
12.  Tomorrow, I'll be perfect

My Twelve Resolutions

1.  Boost Energy (October)
2.  Organization (clear clutter) (November)
3.  Understanding the spiritual season (December)
4.  Money matters (January)
5.  Love is all we need (February)
6.  Stretch my mind (March)
7.  Food for thought (April)
8.  Try something new (paint) (May)
9.  Time for Friends (June)
10.  Practice Patience (July)
11.  Family Time (August)
12.  Give something back (September)

Well there they are, now I don't know what else to it appropriate to wish myself "good luck!"

Here is Gretchen Ruben's video, it's really heart warming and inspiring, called "The Years Are Short".  It was after watching this movie that I made a decision toward living now and becoming happier, today.  Enjoy it - it's beautiful:

I'd love to hear about your own happiness projects if you decide to start one.  I'm looking forward to sharing mine with all of you!

Have a wonderful weekend,


Margaret said...

Good luck with your happiness project! Are you feeling energized yet?


Deb said...

Good Luck!!

That video was very touching..


Diane said...

What a lovely blog and touching video. I am sending a link to my husband to read your blog and watch your video. I think he needs it. Thanks so much.